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Message from the Director,

Our mission at the Twiggs County Public Schools Department of Transportation is to provide safe, professional, and efficient transportation for students to and from school; as well as all extracurricular activities and school-related events. Our Transportation Department prides itself on being in accordance with the GaDOE pupil transportation policies and procedures. All of our drivers meet Georgia state standards for school-bus licensing to include: a commercial driver's license (CDL), annual physical and mandatory training requirements. Feedback and questions are welcome. I look forward to working with all to ensure that our mission is accomplished.

Pupil Transportation Safety Instruction

For more information contact:

Chief Earl Waller
Director of Transportation

Twiggs County Board of Education
952 Main Street
Jeffersonville, GA 31044

478-945-3127 Main Office
478-973-1033 Cell

Upcoming Events

January 14
January 20

District Holiday MLK Day

All Day Event

January 22

Twiggs County Spelling Bee

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

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